Tuesday 24 February 2009

UN Commission for Social Development

I just returned from New York and the UN Commission for Social Development (CSocD).

Highlight of the week: The adoption of a resolution that encourages national Governments to support the establishment of independent National Youth Councils. The Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, has proposed for the Member States that they should all have National Youth Councils by 2015. THAT is progressive!

The UN connects with the real world
And it is important. The member organisations of the European Youth Forum have already mandated us in the Bureau to work for the establishment of and support to the development of National Youth Councils in 9 countries in 2009 and 2010:
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria
  • Kosovo
  • Macedonia
  • Montenegro
  • Poland
  • Serbia
  • Turkey

In March we gather experts from our member organisations to make the strategy for this work. Of course we are proud to have support from Ban Ki-moon!

Ban Ki-moon with help from Youth Delegates
But it would not have been possible without some great helpers. Because, yes, there was lot of scepticism. Let us not mention the big country which just had elections and does not have a National Youth Council - yet. But indeed, some countries were not exactly progressive.

Anyhow, let us forget about them for a while and celebrate those countries who made it possible. Portugal did a great job. Same goes for Senegal and Moldova. And my all time favourites from this session of the Commission, the Youth Delegates from Romania (Alexandra in the pictures is getting ready to speak on behalf of Romania in the plenary), Germany and Switzerland - who negotiated on behalf of their Governments. Well done!

More from the Commission to come!

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